Month: November 2022

Natural Lighting

My Inspiration

When it comes to anything that people are willing to work hard for they need inspiration. With art such as; music, painting, photography, etc. their inspiration can be seen in their work sometimes. My inspiration for my creativity comes from my humor, past life changing events, food, my family, my friends, video games, music, social […]

My Inspiration / DA

My inspiration involves…

Critiques- Dina

My Inspiration

My Inspiration for what is my creativity, are many random things.

What I learned from designing a page

Dollar Store Critiques: What I found challenging about this Dollar Store was finding inspiration on how to use the item which was a frog. I couldn’t think of how to advertise a frog was to use some sort of animal organization to save the wildlife. Another challenging thing was the editing that took place because […]

My Inspiration’s

I use my inspiration’s to guide myself through life and they make sure I am going on the right path.

My Inspiration

These are some things that inspire me.

My Inspiration

My Inspalkjsdalksjd;lakjsd;lkajsdf;lkasjdf;lkasjdf;lkasjdfkasjdf;klasjdflkjasd;flkja;sldkfjaslkdfj;alskdjfl;ksadjf;laksjdf;lkasjdflkasjdf;laksjdf;lkasjdf;lkasjdf;lkjasd;lkfjasdlkjfa;lskdjfl;aksjdf;lkasjdf;lkasjdf;lkasjdf;laksjdf

My Inspiration