Photographer: David Guttenfelder
Donya Akhavon
This photo reminds me of the 80s workout outfits and Maoist China. This photo is fascinating to look at because it is both symmetrical and unnsnmetrical at this same time. The women and men are split into perfectly straight lines but are all at different stages of their flips—bringing forth themes of chaos amidst order. The bright colors amongst the grey concrete floor bring themes of either false and fabricated happiness—being forced to perform happily despite being in a desolate environment, ignoring the things that really matter. The people in this photo also remind me of toy soldiers being sprawled on the floor. The people look insignificant and small against the great sea of grey concrete. I think this photo says a lot without saying anything at all. Guttenfelder managed to encapsulate many themes within this one photograph. This photo looks painted rather than it being a photograph.