Month: January 2023

Look Up Project / Donya A.

 Why are feet a really valuable tool for photographers? 

Feet are a valuable tool for photographers because feet change the camera’s perspective while taking pictures. Our feet allow us to change how we view things from different angles and light. Feet are the most valuable tool for photography.

Why🦶are Important in Photography

Donya Akhavon Feet enable the photographer to take photos from a multitude of angles. Photographers move around their subject in order to take photos from different perspectives—which bleed into categories of tone, meaning, implication, composition, and style to synthesize the artist’s perspective. The artist’s perspective can then be interpreted differently person to person. If feet […]

Why are feet important to a photographer critique

Feet are important for photographers because if you don’t have a zoom lens you use your feet to be able to take the picture from the angle you want. Instead of zooming in or out, you could get closer to the scenery you want to take a picture of or you could move farther to […]

Critique 2

There are a few reasons our feet are important to us in photography mostly to get the perfect angle. An example of this would happen when trying to take a picture of a moving object or just something far away. Are feet also help us in times where zoom can only do so much.

Valuable Feet

Why are feet so valuable to a photographer? Well to answer that simply they’re valuable because they can give you a better angle. Feet are especially valuable if you’re using a prime/fixed lens because you can’t zoom in or out. Then you have to basically use your feet to get closer or further from your […]

Feet For A Photographer

Why is our feet important as a Photographer? It is important because it allows us to move around to get a better position for our pictures. It also allows us to get closer for better shots.