Why are feet a really valuable for photographers? The reason why feet are really valuable for photographers is because it gives us the ability to maneuver in order to get that better picture that at times a lens can not provide. With getting that better photo our feet allow us to do multiple things. This includes bending down, running to get that quick shot, and overall getting angles that can’t be accomplished with just the lens.

Benefits and limitations: Moving around was a main aspect for this project that contributed to the photos I was able to take. Not only was I able to squat down to get the look-up angle but I was able to find new perspectives for the image that I was overall trying to capture. There weren’t any actual limitations but rather obstacles that I faced during this project. The obstacles were not being able to figure out how to capture the exact photo and look that I wanted for the project. In order to overcome this I adjusted the settings and angle of my camera and body to get what I was looking for.