By Ayla Ozturk
“You know, I really don’t think you learn from teachers. You learn from work. I think what you learn, really, is how to be – you have to be your own toughest critic, and you only learn that from work, from seeing work.” -Gary Winograd
I personally think you learn from both. To be your own critic, you need to know what exactly you’re looking for to criticize, and that’s what teachers teach you.
It’s impossible to truly learn from just yourself or just a teacher. You need both.

I had to do a lot of cropping to this picture because of how I framed it. Analyzing this picture taught me that I needed to work on how I framed photos.

I looked back at the metadata and saw the settings it was taken on. I could see that the numbers (e.g., aperture, ISO, etc.) were completely out of range. I had to do a LOT of exposure editing on this one. I now know how I can prevent this in the future.