Month: February 2023

Reflections Critique

The Quote from Gary Winogrand “You know, I really don’t think you learn from teachers. You learn from work. I think what you learn, really, is how to be – you have to be your own toughest critic, and you only learn that from work, from seeing work.” I think this quote really does have […]

Look up! Critique

Why are feet a really valuable tool for photographers? Feet are a valuable tool to photographers because we can get different angles with the our movement without them we wouldn’t be able to create as good photos. For my photos I shot I was getting as close as I could to them for this to […]

What I learned from designing a page.

Trying to make the page Standout and not look boring was without a doubt the hardest part. I knew from the beginning that it was going to resemble a Car advertisement but car Ads don’t really stand out so it was trouble to begin with. Taking pictures was the easiest part of this project. putting […]

Up critique

I feel like feet are a valuable tool for photographers because it can change the perspective of the photo. For instance you can be taking a picture of a tree but you can walk farther away to get the sky in the picture or walk closer just to get a closer look at the tree. […]

Lessons From Designing a Page

By Ayla Ozturk We were assigned a project in which we got a random item from the dollar store and made an advertisement selling it. I partnered with my classmate Dina to sell a pink “stuffed” monkey labeled “Fuzzy Friend.” We named it Pinky Pal. Pinky Pal was advertised to be a friend to buy […]


You don’t truly learn from teachers because they are more about guiding you. It is mainly up to you when you learn. You learn from your mistakes and you do that by criticizing yourself and your work. When you criticize yourself you shape yourself into becoming a better image that you want to be.

Garry Winogrand Critique

Donya Akhavon Garry Winogrand’s Quote – “You know, I really don’t think you learn from teachers. You learn from work. I think what you learn, really, is how to be – you have to be your own toughest critic, and you only learn that from work, from seeing work.” Winogrand’s beliefs lie in the idea […]

Dollar Store Ad

One of the hardest things about designing was being creative. I had a vision in my head but it was challenging to layout. When we were laying out on Canva we initially had it on a doc and because of that, we couldn’t get anything to move around. After figuring out we had to change […]

The Alphabet

I think all photographers do see the world differently because everyone has their own mind and their own way that they like to capture the moment. Some photographers like to capture nature, while others like to capture social events, cars, portraits, animals and even food. I believe when people think of photography they think of […]

Critique – Reflection

Based on the quote from, Garry Winogrand, I would have to say that I agree with him. No matter how many times a teacher says do this in order to get to that. You won’t know how to do it on your own until you try it out. If my teacher said, take this sort […]