Month: February 2023

Critique – Lookup

The ability to move around is one of the most necessary things you need in order to take pictures. It allows you to be able to capture all kinds of perspectives, anywhere. If we weren’t able to move around everyone would just capture the same picture. Some limitation I faced was getting access. I tried […]

Do photographers see the world differently?- Adrian Flores

A photographer sees how they can create different interpenetration of what a picture can hold. We can see how different pictures show the mood of that sequence in time. A photographer can alter how an image is portrayed to the viewer. The most influential people are the ones that can pursue the easiest and a […]

Look Up-Project

Why are feet a really valuable for photographers? The reason why feet are really valuable for photographers is because it gives us the ability to maneuver in order to get that better picture that at times a lens can not provide. With getting that better photo our feet allow us to do multiple things. This […]

Dollar Store Project

It was really fun taking pictures of Mr. Ballonman. Me and Jazerine had many different ideas, and we took many different pictures but finally we agreed that the one we chose was the best one. Our product was birthday glasses so everyone can agree that we could come up many different ideas. We wanted to […]

Dollar store advert

From designing a page I learned how to become a better editor and I got to explore photo shop more and see all the different things that they have to offer and that we could do to a picture. This project became challenging when it came to coming up with the concept and how we […]

The Greater Teacher

“You know, I really don’t think you learn from teachers. You learn from work. I think what you learn, really, is how to be – you have to be your own toughest critic, and you only learn that from work, from seeing work.” Garry Winogrand, Photographer In this quote, Garry Winogrand presents the idea that […]

Up project Critique

Feet are really valuable when it comes to taking photos as it is a great base and the positions that allow photos to be taken in perspective. Feet allow the body to squat or lunge to the sides or look forward and back, once again, giving more perspectives. There were times where limits were put, […]

Do photographers see the world differently?

I do think that photographers view the world differently. Going around with a camera could strike up a lot of ideas in your head as to how you could make something that looks normal look cool. Photographers are more able to see the pretty things in the world and it shows when they take pictures […]


Although teachers do a good job trying their best to teach what they can, you don’t truly learn until attempting it yourself. You can always follow someone and what they do but not really understand what you are doing but when you go off on your own and you put the skills that you learned […]

Alphabet critique

Yes I do believe that photographers see the world differently. They can make the most perfect pictures in what may be considered the worst places to other people. They also see little sweet things that can last moments for longer. They could in fact make a moment last forever. they in fact can see the […]