Month: February 2023

What I learned from designing a page

Do photographers see the world differently? 

As photographers we have to look at the world with an open eye. We see all the many many possibilities that the world has to offer. When we go outside we see the different unique and dramatic things the environment around us brings. Of course people tend to over look everything but Photographers are always […]


I loved this project. This is the first picture I took before we even had a project.

Look Up Project

Why are feet important? Feet in general are very important for humans. They allow us to see and do things that satisfy us and make us happy. For Photographers though feet have a slight more importance, since they capture art. Photographers over time started to appreciate the feet less since the zoom function was invented, […]

Movement Critique

Feet are a valuable tool for photography because you have to constantly move in order to get the shots that you are looking for and the type of photo you want to achieve. Moving around helped me with this project because I had to move up close to the objects that I was taking pictures […]


Have you ever looked at a puddle or a mirror and looked at yourself. I like to look down at puddles and see people walk by and it looks like they are upside down and kinda makes me think its like a parallel world . this inspired me to take photos of it and of […]

Why are feet a really valuable

feet can help me get around and take pictures. get closer to the picture without zooming in and I could get a better picture without making the picture blurry or have trouble trying to fix the focus on the camera. my feet can get me anywhere and everywhere. It can help me find a good […]


have you ever taken time to just look up at anything. It could be a building or a tree or even just the sky. I have always found it incredible how big things can actually be from our point of view. And how from different angles buildings or trees can actually seem bigger.

Do Photographers View The World Differently?

Yes, I think photographers do see the world differently. We are constantly trying to look at the composition and in this case if things look like or makeup letters of the alphabet. We need to look at the world differently to take pictures people never see so we can show them those pictures.

Dollar Store Advert Critique

I learned a lot about editing from Ayla. I also learned how to think creatively to put this project together. I personally struggled a little bit with coming up with the idea, but then I tried to think out of the box and figured something out.