• Critique: Make a blog post on redwood.photography that answers this question- Do photographers see the world differently? 

I think every individual perceives the world differently, as we are all inherently different. Photographers see the world as differently as the next person does. I think photographers may have an eye for what makes a photograph look objectively good however. They see the symmetry and depth in things that another person would pass as just “nice looking.” For example, an old woman with lines etched on her face waiting at the bus stop may be just another old person to the average passerby, but to the photographer, it might be an opportunity to tell a story via the significance of imagery. The photographer might see the meaning of the old woman, who has let herself age naturally, either for personal reasons or circumstantial, waiting at the bus stop. The photograph might ask questions of where this woman came from, and where she was going once she reached her stop. The photograph would tell us what she was feeling–what expressions she wore.

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