I think I did well on the album that I did because after listening to the song I got the vibe of a rainy day but also of something nature. I also looked at the artists past albums and saw that all of his albums were random things and nothing ever really specific so I had to do something different that went with the vibe of the music but also the vibe of the artist. For the cover I chose to do that beautiful white flower because I liked how it was surrounded by so much dark dirt and I thought it would contrast well off of it. I also chose this as the cover because I loved how the green leaves around the flower were so vibrant and that is what gave me the idea that the album theme color should be green. For the back cover I really wanted a picture that showed rain so when I saw my friends phone all well I thought it would be cool to take a picture of the phone with the little droplets of water on it with the actual album reflecting from the phone. I thought this would be a good idea because not only does it fit the vibe but it also contributes something from the actual album. I chose the font of a kind of handwriting because in that actual album there is really sloppy handwriting on it so I wanted to add capture that with the font as well.

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