The latest assignment in photog has been Aperture priority. In comparison to Shutter Priority, I enjoyed Aperture way more. I also enjoyed more opportunities to capture pictures with different aperture effects. A few plants around the Redwood campus served well as models but my favorite pictures came from the vineyard. The local LDS church held our probably last grape harvest at the Madera service Vinyard. The harvest is a tradition with many families so after the fact I decided to take some pictures around the rows. I was able to capture a place that holds memories and has helped many people while also practicing with aperture and shooting in bright sun. The aperture, also known as F-stop or depth of field on a camera affects the depth of the area in your picture that is in focus. For example, you can change it to blur the background for a portrait or vice versa have a blurry foreground and a crisp background. Depth of field is one of my favorite effects on a photo. I enjoy using it to highlight my subject or focus and blur out distractions. Learning to understand Aperture undoubtedly will serve me well when shooting pictures.

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