This week we worked on an aperture work assignment that allowed me to discover how to find shallow depth of field, deep depth of field, and bokeh balls. This assignment for me was relatively easier. I had previously already been getting used to the camera so going into the second assignment I was way more comfortable. Aperture overall was a very easy concept to grasp. The only challenge that I faced when first getting out and taking pictures was the exposure once again. I was finally assigned a camera and the settings were previously set. Not knowing that the exposure is always meant to stay on zero made it difficult with a lot of sun getting into the picture. After going over as to why my photos were too light I finally set it to zero and went to work. The first picture captured was of a shallow depth of field. For the shallow depth of field, I set my camera to f/3.8 and specifically focused on nature on campus. I focused on flowers to get every detail and set it aside from the rest. The other type of picture we were assigned to take was a deep depth of field. For this picture, I used around f/26 to make everything clear. For a very clear photo, I wanted to capture the school in its rest state. The last photo I captured is a picture with bokeh balls. For this picture, I needed to find a light source and a subject. It was very difficult because it was light all around. To fix that I found a spot with tons of shade and brought out the phone lights. I used about a f/11 aperture to capture this shot. Overall the assignment allowed for a lot of creativity to shine through.

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