Assignment #3: Mood Shift Through Manual Control


Capture 10 photographs of the same subject, but alter the mood of each shot by changing the camera’s manual settings (both shutter speed and aperture).


  1. Choose a Subject: Pick one subject that you will photograph in all 10 shots. It could be a person, an object, or even a location.
  2. Plan Your Shots: Think about the different moods you want to convey. Do you want some shots to feel joyful, others mysterious, or perhaps some a bit eerie?
  3. Manual Mode: Make sure your camera is set to full manual mode. You’ll be controlling both shutter speed and aperture manually.
  4. Experiment with Shutter Speed: For some shots, play with shutter speed to either freeze motion or add motion blur. This could add a feeling of excitement or tranquility, depending on how you use it.
  5. Experiment with Aperture: For other shots, change the aperture to affect the depth of field. A shallow depth could make the subject pop and focus the viewer’s attention, while a deep depth could give a more inclusive, calm feeling.
  6. Combine Both: Feel free to combine different shutter speeds and apertures to see how they interact.
  7. Take Notes: Jot down what settings you used for each shot and how they impacted the mood.
  8. Review and Select: After shooting, review your photos. Choose your 10 best that show a range of moods.
  9. Submit Portfolio: Upload your 10 best shots along with your notes on what settings you used and how you think they affected the mood of each photograph.


  • Remember, there’s no right or wrong here. The goal is to experiment and learn.
  • Pay attention to other elements like composition and lighting as they will also impact the mood.

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