Month: September 2023

Aperture Reflection

The Aperture assignment, was really fast and easy because it was just two pictures, and my partner Leonardo had helped me with the assignment and he said it was easy, and when he showed me what to do it was easy. The aperture assignment was very easy to understand and get a grasp of because […]

Shutter Speed Reflection

This part of the portfolio, was very hard for me to do because it was my first assignment and I didn’t understand anything but luckily I had my amigos and Jordan. But they really didn’t understand it either besides Jordan so we just relied on him after we got the pictures we figured out the […]

shutter reflection- lindsay irvin

My own experience with figuring out shutter speed settings was interesting to say the least. Some of my first struggles I noticed were with certain situations like when a figure was moving, the question came up whether to change my iso, or let more light into the picture. And to get the certain lighting and […]

aperture reflection- lindsay irvin

My own experience with first trying out with aperture settings did take awhile for me to get used to. With figuring out aperture and the whole concept behind it involving the use of blurring the background and capturing the main subject to be clear and in focus. A success that i had came into is […]

Aperture Reflection – Ilari Mäkiranta

The second assignment in photography was how the aperture affects the field of view and lighting of the shot. By managing the aperture, you are able to add interesting effects to your pictures. You can for example blur the background or make everything super sharp. The first picture I took was with a low aperture. […]

Shutter Priority Reflection- Desiree Ortiz

Shutter Work: Piper Figallo

Reflection: Something I was able to do pretty easily was adjust the ISO based on the lighting of the room or outside. I learned that for lighter settings you do a lower ISO number like 200 and for a darker setting you do a higher number like 3000. A challenge I had was that when […]

Aperture Work: Piper Figallo

What I learned in this assignment was how to adjust my aperture to focus on a subject. With a lower f-number, I saw that it isolates the subject and makes the subject clear and the background more blurry. A challenge I had was when the f-number was too low the exposure on the picture would […]

shutter speed concepts

For this week we learned the concept of shutter speed and how the changes in the shutter speed can make a bog difference. From background blur to motion blur even a single “click” can make a big difference. To get the motion blur we needed to follow the subject that we had or panning the […]

Aperture Priority Reflection: Olivia Gonzalez

This week we worked on an aperture work assignment that allowed me to discover how to find shallow depth of field, deep depth of field, and bokeh balls. This assignment for me was relatively easier. I had previously already been getting used to the camera so going into the second assignment I was way more […]