Month: September 2023

Shutter Speed Reflection- Jordan D.

This was my first time ever using an actual camera besides the one on my phone. It wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. I did have a hard time getting a good panning picture but the more I kept trying, the more I was starting to get the hang of it. The […]

Aperture Reflection- Jordan D.

This assignment was a bit more complicated than I thought it would be. When trying to get a high depth of field picture I would have my aperture just too shallow and the edges would be out of focus but everything else was included. It was fun playing around with the aperture and I feel […]

Aperture Reflection- Jennifer Zamora

With aperture, I learned that you have to get a little closer to whatever you are trying to take a picture of. I also had to stand a little still for it to focus on the specific subject you are trying to take a picture of because sometimes when I was trying to take a […]

Shutter Priority Reflection -Karli Branson

I had a pretty hard experience with the shutter speed project. The easiest part was getting a picture that freezes time because of the fact that all I had to do was turn my camera to a high shutter speed in broad daylight. It was easy to capture the color guard kids waving their flags. […]

Shutter Priority Reflection -Tori Patterson

Barely having lifted our cameras, Millers photog class found ourselves with our first assignment. The first priority on our list is shutter priority. Catching moments frozen in time, along with motion streaking across the frame. We learned to manipulate settings and navigate camera complications. For about a week I wandered campus and main street looking […]

Shutter Priority Reflection – Emily Dean

During my time shooting pictures and overall working on the Shutter Priority assignment, I found it kind of hard to do since I was just learning how to operate a camera. It wasn’t my first time picking up a camera but it was my first time actually taking pictures and learning the new foundations that […]

Aperture Reflection

This second assignment went a bit more smoothly but also significantly faster and so I don’t recall much of what happened during the picture taking process itself. I do however recall the lecture on the function of aperture and greatly appreciated the way in which that was taught. I learn best through lectures so a […]

Shutter Reflection

Being my first assignment in the class I had a ton of fun experiencing the freedom of a camera and it’s controls even though it was just focused on one aspect. Since I was a little kid on a trip in Hawaii, I’ve really enjoyed the composition in photos so learning techniques revolving around motion […]

Aperture Reflection

What I learned in this assignment was how to adjust my aperture to focus on a subject. With a lower f-number, I saw that it isolates the subject and makes the subject clear and the background more blurry. A challenge I had was when the f-number was too low the exposure on the picture would […]

Shutter Priority

Reflection: Something I was able to do pretty easily was adjust the ISO based on the lighting of the room or outside. I learned that for lighter settings you do a lower ISO number like 200 and for a darker setting you do a higher number like 3000. A challenge I had was that when […]