Month: September 2023

Shutter speed reflection – Daniela Ceballos

For shutter speed, I struggled most of the time with trying to adjust the lighting, what I wanted to capture, and how to capture it. At the very beginning when we were first testing it out it was hard to figure out how everyone else was getting a well-captured picture with a blurry background while […]

Shutter Priority Reflection – Sean Holland

For my motion blur shots, I noticed the color guard performers in action. So, my group and I positioned ourselves in front of them to capture the photos. Specifically, I stood in front of the individuals twirling the flags, ensuring their movements would be beautifully blurred. To achieve this effect, I opted for a relatively […]

Shutter Priority Reflection: Mady Paschall

Through this experience I learned the significance of shutter speed when taking pictures. Increasing and decreasing the shutter speed number can change a picture in so many ways. When you increase the shutter speed number this allows the camera to open and close the shutter faster. However when the shutter speed number is decreased the […]

Aperture Priority Reflection – Sean Holland

To take my aperture photos I walked around in a flower bed to look for some butterflies or bees. For my low aperture photos I took some pictures of some butterflies on some little blue flowers. For the photo I chose for my Depth of Field project I put it on the lowest setting for […]

Aperture Reflection-Leonardo Montemayor

For the aperture photos I went to look for butterflies or bees at the flower beds near the quad. For my low aperture photos I took many of a little butterfly in the flowers bed. For the photo I chose I used the lowest setting for F which was f-1.8. It was a little hard […]

Aperture Reflection- Nick Miller

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Reflection Aperture – Daniela Ceballos

For me, the main thing that I struggled with was figuring out what aperture I had to choose for the image I had in mind. Once I started messing around getting closer to what I wanted it became easier. However, it was harder to adjust when I went into different lighting it became difficult because […]

Shutter Priority Reflection – Brice Kingsbury

The shutter priority assignment introduced me to new techniques associated with photography. I would be lying if I said I found understanding shutter speed to be easy, however it was an enjoyable challenge. A lot of times, I found myself taking pictures that captured way too much light or photos that were way too dark. […]

Aperture Priority Reflection – Sergio

Capturing photos at different apertures was a long process, especially taking pictures with a higher F Stop or lower Aperture. Controlling only the aperture was annoying as the camera is controlling the shutter speed, so the higher the F stop, the slower the shutter, making it easy to get blurry photos if not stable, which […]

Shutter Priority Reflection-Leonardo Montemayor

For my motion blur photos I saw that the color guard people were out. So me and my group went in front of them and took photos. I was going in front of the people that were waving the flags. Making sure to blur them I used a low shutter speed. I don’t remember what […]