Assignment Title: “Motion in Focus: Mastering the Art of Panning”
Due 1/12/2023
To understand and apply the panning technique in photography, capturing motion with clarity and creativity.
Materials Needed:
- Camera (DSLR, Mirrorless, or any camera with manual settings)
- Optional: Something stable (chair, table, tripod)
Part 1: Understanding Panning
- Reading Assignment: Students are required to read the provided materials on panning photography, focusing on techniques, camera settings, and creative applications.
- Discussion:When we are done with the readings, let’s talk
Part 2: Technical Setup
- Shutter Speed Exploration: Experiment with different shutter speeds (suggested starting point: 1/60s).
- Focus Techniques: Practice both autofocus (AF-C) and manual focus for capturing moving subjects.
- Camera Handling: Experiment with both handheld and tripod type-assisted panning.
Part 3: Creative Experimentation
- Subject Variety: Capture various moving subjects (e.g., vehicles, people, animals).
- Directional Panning: Practice both horizontal and vertical panning.
- Background Selection: Experiment with different backgrounds to see how they influence the sense of motion and story.
Part 4: Assignment Submission
- Photographs: Submit 1-2 panning photographs showcasing your best work. The filename for this assignment is panning.yourname.2024 example: panning.nickmiller.2024. If you have more than one picture, please follow with-1 for the first and -2 for the second.
- Reflection: You will write a reflection paragraph on your experience.
Part 5: Class Exhibition and Review
- Exhibition: Display submitted photographs in the gallery on Redwood.photography.
- Peer Review: Students will participate in a constructive critique session, discussing each other’s work.
Additional Resources:
- Online tutorials and videos demonstrating panning techniques.
- Examples of professional panning photography for inspiration.
Assessment Criteria:
- Technical proficiency in panning technique.
- Creativity and composition.
- Ability to convey motion and narrative through the images.
- Quality of reflection.
Safety Considerations:
- When photographing moving subjects, especially near roads, ensure personal safety and awareness of surroundings.
This assignment aims to enhance students’ technical skills in managing camera settings for motion capture and to foster creative thinking in capturing dynamic and compelling images. The review session will provide valuable feedback, encouraging peer learning and appreciation of diverse perspectives in photography.