Assignment Title: Alphabetography: Spelling with Images
Objective: To find and photograph objects or scenes in nature or around the campus that resemble the letters of your name. Then, compile these photographs into a single composite image that spells out your name using Adobe Spark.

Assignment Details:
- Exploration: Walk around the campus, nature areas, or any place you have access to and search for objects, scenes, or perspectives that resemble letters.
- Photography: Capture each “letter” using your camera. Pay attention to composition, lighting, and contrast to ensure that each letter stands out clearly.
- Editing and Composition: Use Adobe Spark to edit your images if necessary (crop, adjust lighting, contrast, etc.) and then compile them into a single image that spells out your name. Ensure each letter is recognizable and that the composite flows well visually.
- Submission: Save your final composite image and submit it via our site by next Wednesday. Filename alpha.yourname.2024
- Presentation: Be prepared to present your composite image to the class, explaining your process, how you found each letter, and any challenges you faced.
Tools Needed:
- A camera
- Adobe Spark (access provided through school email)

Due Date: Next Wednesday 2/14/2024
Additional Notes:
- While outdoors, be mindful of your surroundings and stay safe.
- Respect private property; do not trespass to get your shot.
- If photographing people, please get their permission.
Final Notes: This assignment will not only help you develop a keen eye for detail but also enhance your ability to think creatively within constraints. Adobe Spark’s easy-to-use interface should make the process of compiling their images straightforward. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different layouts and designs to best showcase your work.