A Story Through Pictures

Objective: To photograph an image with an outside theme or message, in which the photo can symbolize and represent a theme visually. The chosen theme or message should be relative to you and have passion, making it easier to visualize.

Assignment Details: Capture one photo that visualizes one chosen theme or message that resonates with the Student.

Exploration: Venture out into the world and try to visualize the chosen theme, trying to represent it visually. Try to be creative, and make interesting connections. There is no set photo for the assignment, the connection from photo to idea is what’s important.

Photography: Try to make the photos taken vibrant, and make the theme of the photo visually apparent and comprehensible, there is no uniform way to frame the photo, but use composition techniques to enhance the photograph from a purely photo perspective.

Editing and Composition: For post-processing the photos, try to edit the photographs to emphasize the chosen theme, whether it be enhancing colors, framing the subject, or eliminating clutter, all making the theme of the photo pop out more. In terms of Composition, use all previous knowledge learned about framing photos to make the photo as visually pleasing as possible.

Submission: You will have two weeks to submit a photo along with if wanted, a description within the photo in WordPress explaining the connection between the photo and theme, submitting the photo with the name stp_firstname_year.

Tools Needed: Desired Camera of use, plus the photo editing software most comfortable with (Photoshop, Adobe Express, Lightroom, etc.), to enhance photos.

Additional Notes:

Safety: When photographing your image, make sure to be mindful of the area and others around, be responsible in decision-making, and always think “What would Miller do?”

Mindfulness: Be sure always to be aware of your surroundings and your place within it too, keep track consistently, and don’t lose track around you while unfocused on shooting.

Final Notes: Remember to try and be the most creative you can, be inspired in photographing your theme, message, or idea that resonates with you, and the final product will be fulfilling.

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