Comic Strip


To capture a series of images that tell a story and clearly represent what comic you made up. Find and capture pictures that use storytelling.

Assignment Details:


Explore the campus or areas in the outside world and look for places that exhibit your comic strip. This can be done by capturing human or object figures.


Subjects should be captured from an outside perspective as if you are from the outside looking in. Take pictures that different angles and heights to get the comic effect. Aim for at least 4-5 pictures to fully complete a full strip.

Editing and Composition:

Process your photos to get your desired effect. Utilize Adobe If for example creating an action strip to add words like pow… if going for an old comic strip maybe make the pictures black and white. Consider different lighting and edits that you can add to your strip.


Be ready to submit by the end of the week. Before submitting make sure to name your photos with comic.yourname.2024. Prepare to share with the class how you came up with your ideas and the steps to capture your comic strip.

Tools Needed:

A camera. Adobe software if needed.

Additional Notes:

Mindfulness: Be mindful of those around you if choosing to take pictures outside of school. Be respectful and safe.

Final Notes:

I know you guys will do great and demonstrate the theme of the project. I hope the project takes your photography adventure further and allows you to be creative.

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