Viewing the World Through Rose-Colored Glasses

Objective: To capture images that explore the concept of optimism and positivity by capturing the world through “rose-colored glasses” or in this case photos with red tints and themes of positivity. Students should attempt to romanticize normal everyday things to capture their simple beauty.

Assignment Details:


Students should explore the campus or any accessible location and attempt to find subjects that can be used to interpret the idea of rose-colored glasses. Select subjects that naturally evoke feelings of happiness or serenity. Some examples might include nature or everyday objects presented in a flattering light.


Take 2-3 photos that use at least 2 different subjects. Students can experiment with high or low angles to change the perspective and reveal new aspects of the subject. They can also attempt to use close-ups to capture the beauty of something not usually perceived by the naked eye (i.e. flowers).

Editing and Composition:

Students can use filters on Adobe Express (or any other photo editing software) to infuse images with a rose-tinted hue. Students can also adjust lighting to create softer, warmer lighting in attempt to better display a positive bias.


Upload your collection of images to the class website by the end of the week. Use the file name roseglass.yourname.2024 and add numbers at the end to discern between photos (ex: 2024(1), 2024(2)).Students should be prepared to share photos with the class for discussion. Be ready to describe the shooting process and any challenges you may have faced.

Tools Needed:

A camera (digital or otherwise), red lens cover/red-tinted film to cover the camera lens, editing software if needed to add a red tint, or simply if preferred over red lens.

Additional Notes:

Safety: Please use proper safety when taking photos, especially if you choose to capture your subject from different angles. Remember to respect the safety and privacy of others and be sure to have consent when photographing people.

Mindfulness: Be aware of your surroundings and be respectful to the subjects of your photos and your environment. Avoid creating any unnecessary damages or disruptions that may cause annoyance to others.

Final Notes:

This assignment is meant to encourage creativity and new perspective of your everyday world. Express through your photos what you perceive to be beautiful and important even if others think otherwise. Have fun with this assignment and try to show yourself through your work. This assignment should provide you the opportunity to think outside of the box and experiment with different shooting and editing techniques.

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