OBJECTIVE: Have students establish a style or identify the parts of a photo that define the style.
HOW TO: Students will take 3 pictures that all have a similar “style” weather it’s lighting, angles, or subjects that make that style. Then capture one more pictures that is an opposing style. For example 3 underexposed rich pictures and one bright more faded picture; or 3 close up pictures with odd angles and one simple eye level picture.
side note: the style doesn’t have to be obvious, it could be whatever they decide as long as they can describe their style and have a contrasting picture


OBJECTIVE: students will play with the idea of self portraits and using their camera out of hand. They will learn about becoming familiar with pre-setting iso sitter spear and aperture for specific environment by forcing them to take pictures where they can’t just (for lack of a better word) click change, click change, click change, until they’re happy with they’re settings. Similarly they can also use it to practice posing and what they like as far as portraiture which is a very common field of photography.
HOW TO: students will capture 3 self portraits in different environments such as inside, outside, shade, sun, cloudy. They’ll also keep count of how many shots they took before they got the one they wanted. Hopefully each different shot/ setting change will have less retakes displaying an increased ability to understand lighting and anticipate setting changes.

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