Conflicting/Contrasting Colors


Demonstrate how vibrancy and monochromatic imagery can change the tone of an image.

Assignment Details: Choose a subject to photograph and find ways to depict its vibrancy. Then, through editing or your monochrome setting, depict the same subject in black and white to demonstrate a shift in tone. Show how lack of or the inclusion of color can elevate an image and the mood you intend to convey.


Shoot your subject in a well-lit environment to display a full range of color (depict it from different angles if desired). Then, go into your settings and take a picture of the same subject with your monochrome setting on. This will make a change to the mood, color-contrast, and overall depiction of your subject. Upload both your colored and monochrome pictures to your portfolio.


You can take as many pictures as you want. Pictures from different angles will provide a better sense of tone (ex. a picture taken from a low point of view will feel more grand while one taken from a higher point of view will feel more open). Don’t be afraid to experiment with different perspectives.

Editing and Composition:

If you wish to edit your pictures in post, use your adobe-editing software to enhance or reduce the amount of color, shadow, vibrancy, etc. in your picture.


Upload your images to the Redwood Photography website and post them to your personal portfolio. Be prepared to present your pictures to the class !!

Tools Needed:

Camera-body, 50 mm (or any other) lens, computer

Additional Notes:

Safety: do not do anything that will injure yourself or others. This is supposed to be an experimental project, however that does not mean to push yourself to capture a certain angle if it may be dangerous.

Mindfulness: Always beware of your surroundings. Admin are on high alert. Keep your camera on you and strapped around your neck AT ALL TIMES !!!

Final Notes:

This class is meant to be fun. If you ever find yourself with nothing to do, go outside and bring your camera. Even if you don’t intend to take any pictures that day, just go see what’s outside. You may surprise yourself. Have fun and keep growing this class to meet its full potential 🙂

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