Changing of Seasons

Objective: Take photos that capture the changing of the seasons. These pictures should be taken during the transition of seasons to create a feeling of change or time passing. For example students can take pictures of the autumn leaves falling from the trees as we transition to winter.

Exploration: Students should go outside and explore around campus or other spaces in nature that are transitioning from one season to another. Students should find things that represent time passing as the seasons change.

Photography: To create these pictures students should use different settings on their cameras like adjusting the shutter speed and aperture to create a different mood. Students should also use lighting and angles techniques to capture the changing of seasons. Each student should have at least two different pictures that show the change of seasons over time in a different way.

Editing and Composition: Once students have taken their pictures they can edit their photos by adjusting the lighting, colors, and shadows to help express the change that’s happening. Editing the pictures can help change the mood by making us feel a certain way. For example if you want to capture the transition from winter to spring you can brighten the picture or darken it depending on the mood you want your audience to feel.

Submission: Once students have finished the project they can upload the pictures to Redwood Photography and name the file firstname.lastname.seasons changing.24. Then update your portfolio and add your new photos.

Tools Needed:

-Editing (Adobe, Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.)

Additional Notes:

Safety: While completing the project be sure to be careful and aware of your surroundings and others around you.

Mindfulness: Always be careful while using your camera and be cautious of what you are doing.

Final Notes: Be creative and think outside the box! Use the skills you have learned to create photos you are proud of. Remember these pictures are supposed to be capturing change so try to make the audience feel something when they see your work.

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