“Passage of Time”

Objective: Capture the essence and feeling of time that seems to pass more quickly as we age.

Assignment Details:

Setup: Choose a serene, natural setting such as a quiet park, a forest, or a beach at sunset. Use three individuals representing different stages of life, childhood, adulthood, and old age. Use items that symbolize the passage of time, such as an hourglass, a clock, or a stack of old photographs.


Students should be able to capture the little moments in life. With children and the playful activity, perhaps running or chasing butterflies, symbolizing the carefree nature of youth. Adults, walking slowly, perhaps glancing back towards the child or forward towards the elderly person, representing the reflective and transitional phase of adulthood. Elderly person, sitting on a bench or standing with a cane, looking contemplatively at the path they’ve traveled, symbolizing wisdom and reflection. There should be at least 3 pictures minimum.

Editing and Composition:

After students take photos students shall use provided editing software to help bring out the life of the photos. Such as applying a warm, slightly faded filter to evoke a sense of nostalgia .Increasing contrast slightly to emphasize the details and textures of the subjects and props, and creating a more intimate feel.


When this project is complete, you can upload it to Redwood Photography with the file name of: firstname.lastname.passageoftime.24 Students will have a week to complete and upload this assignment, and will be displayed on the projector at the end of the week to be presented and talked about to the class and the process.

Tools required:


-Editing software (Adobe, Photoshop, Lightroom, etc)

Final Touch:

Throughout this assignment be make sure to provide context and deepen the viewers’ emotional connection to the images. This photograph assignment aims to visually represent the concept of the passage of time, creating a powerful and emotive piece that resonates with viewers on a personal level.

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