Technical Reflection: During this first semester, I’ve improved on taking photos with almost perfect lighting. In the beginning of the year, they used to be super bright or way too dark. The picture of my cat is a great representation of me overcoming this issue.
Personal Reflection: At the beginning, I was interested in photography and didn’t really take this class seriously. Now, this class is very meaningful to me since it allows me to see things from a different perspective in a beautiful way. Photography made me learn how beautiful anything can be from a lens and how everyone views things differently.
Creative Reflection: The photo I’m most proud of is this picture I took from my bedroom window with condensation in the corner with the view of my gloomy backyard. I came up with it by looking through my window and how calming it felt and how pleasing those 2 factors went together. What makes it unique is how it isn’t a sunny day with flowers blooming; it’s dark and gloomy.