Technical Reflection: A specific photography technique that I improved the most on was lighting when shooting sports pictures. When I first started taking soccer pictures, I would always struggle with the perfect settings for lighting. The day I struggled the most was when I was shooting a soccer game at night. I could not figure out why some of my pictures were coming out black. I ended up playing more with the settings and found something I liked. Here is the following image of how I was able to take pictures after adjusting the settings.

Personal Reflection: When I first joined this class, I thought it was as easy as just clicking a button and taking a picture. I never thought I would one day have to worry about something called shutter speed, aperture, iso, etc. while taking a picture. I love taking pictures to just look over and remember the memories. My favorites ones are the ones that have a deep meaning to it that makes me feel happy when I look at the images I created.
Creative Reflection: One image that I am most proud of that makes me very happy when looking at it was my brother’s last soccer game of the season. They had won the game 3-1 I believe and half of the players showered their coach with water after the game ended and it just captures a beautiful moment where everyone is happy and enjoying the moment.