Month: February 2025

Staff Documentation Reflection

At the start of this documentary project, I was very anxious to pick my teacher and one that came to mind was Mr. Arruda my chemistry teacher. I was planning to choose him for this project because he was one of those teachers where you could talk to without feeling too scared about what you […]

Documentary Photography

By Jose Figueroa When beggining this project I already had my ideal teacher in mind. I chose someone that i had grown a relationship with throughout my junior year, Mr.Aruda. I had the idea in mind that I was going to take my pictures during my photo class and the period that I had with […]

appriciation post Mrs Duerre

With this project I was doing for Mrs. Duerre a lot of problem accured and a lot of things went right. such as I felt very confident with who I picked because ive known guerre since my freshman year when I took her class. I want people at redwood to see how great of a […]

Project Reflection

At the start of this process, I was nervous about approaching my teacher, but I later on realized it was a good opportunity, not just for me, but for him too. The workflow I planned was to plan the days I was going, and what questions I was asking, and I took pictures of him […]

Super Teachers!

Reflection on my Humanizing Project

The Process At the beginning of this project, I was very nervous and didn’t know what step to take. While this was assigned, I was absent and fell behind. I was planning to talk to Mr. Woodbury to interview him and set up a day to take pictures. I was hoping to get a couple […]

Documentary Reflection

When I received this assignment I was exited to let my creativity and pictures to humanize a teacher that I have lots of respect for. This project had many parts to it, so planning was vital in the process of creating something I was proud of. For example, scheduling interviews and knowing what the best […]


My vision for this project was to show who Mrs. Gonzales was as a teacher and person. Not a lot of students know who she is but she truly has impacted my high school years. She is the most kind hearted person and will do anything she can to help you with anything. I picked […]

Athletic Trainer Appreciation

Going into the project, and even when the project was first introduced, I knew off the bat who I was interested in documenting. Our athletic trainer at Redwood, Alex, is someone who personally inspired me to want to go into the sports medicine field. He’s an awesome athletic trainer and is amazing at what he […]

Humanizing a Teacher Project Reflection

The Process The process of this project was quite weird because I did not know how I was going to plan it out. I know who my person was going to be, but I did not know what type of pictures I was going to take. All I knew was that I wanted pictures of […]