I started this project feeling excited and I envisioned all the cool and creative ways I could take pictures of Mr. Coon and Ag Mechanics shop. I planned out this project by first meeting with Mr. Coon and setting up a day to interview and take pictures. Then, I planned out the pictures and how I wanted to take them. After that I shot my pictures using various different techniques that we learned about throughout the year.
I was proud of my photos because I tried out a lot of different techniques that we learned and had a lot of fun doing so. One thing I felt was a missed opportunity was getting a cool picture of Mr. Coon using more of the shop equipment. The biggest hurdle was scheduling conflicts and also thinking of the different ideas for the photos. I address this problem by asking others for their ideas and getting inspiration from them.
One thing that I learned was how to interview people. This is important because knowing how to interview people can add a lot of context to pictures and also show a side to somebody that you didn’t know before. My favorite shot that I took was the one of Mr. Coon teaching the kids. I like the picture because I think it perfectly encapsulates the experience of being in Mr. Coon’s class. He teaches you a lot of new things, you get to use all this cool equipment, and he makes the class fun.