The Process
At the beginning of this project, I was very nervous and didn’t know what step to take. While this was assigned, I was absent and fell behind. I was planning to talk to Mr. Woodbury to interview him and set up a day to take pictures. I was hoping to get a couple of portraits in it and the rest of him interacting with his students. The interviewing went well but I wish he gave me more in depth answers. With the pictures, the portraits came out dark but I was able to mostly fix the brightness. The other pictures were fine but I wasn’t creative enough to know what to. In my opinion, I was able to capture Mr. Woodbury’s personality and essence in my pictures.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Parts of my photos I liked was how Woodbury interacts with his students and the bond he creates with them. Some of my weakness in my pictures is the grain and darkness in them. I didn’t notice it in the moment till I checked them after I left. The lighting was weird in his class and the sun was super bright. I want to improve on knowing exactly how to fix my brightness.
Overcoming a Challenge
The biggest hurdle I faced was trying to angle my camera where it fits everything perfectly. Also, I struggled with knowing how to position or stage a picture. I’m not an experienced photographer when it comes to taking pictures of people and trying to capture a certain feeling. My teacher and I mainly just went where the wind took us.
Key Takeaway
Something I learned was how easy it can be just to talk to someone – I don’t need to be shy or awkward with my subject. Also, by letting Mr. Woodbury do whatever he felt like with the pictures was great because I was able to capture is personality. This lesson was important because it has started to get me to come out of my shell and stop being shy. This will influence my future projects by being more creative.
Favorite Image
My favorite image is when Mr. Woodbury is doing a thinking face. I like it because it gives off a serious feeling or a different vibe from the guy who is always so energetic.

Final Thoughts
Next time, I want to think carefully about the lighting and frame my pictures better. I want to take closer looks at my pictures to make sure they’re giving the effect and look that I am wanting. Overall, this experience was a big step in me getting myself out there.