Month: February 2025

My reflection for my documentary project

Ms. Martinho was telling her students how to do the assignment. This photo stands out because it shows how much Ms. Martinho cares about teaching her class. The start of this project I wasn’t sure how to do It at first, I thought it was going to be hard to find a teacher that will […]


I started this project feeling excited and I envisioned all the cool and creative ways I could take pictures of Mr. Coon and Ag Mechanics shop. I planned out this project by first meeting with Mr. Coon and setting up a day to interview and take pictures. Then, I planned out the pictures and how […]

The Humanizing of Mr. Jones

The start of this project make me feel nervous. I didn’t know what teacher I was going to pick and even when I finally decided on the teacher, I didn’t want to make the teacher feel weird about me asking “Hey can I take some photos of you and share them to a bunch of […]

Humanizing a staff member reflection post

THE PROCESS At the start of this documentary project, I was very excited and very passionate to start because I love taking photos of people. My goal was to find a teacher and take their photo and then edit and complete my documentary. I planned this project out on paper first and tried to make […]

Redwood Documentary Project Reflection

By: Alex Griffin The whole thing was a process. Getting started was the hardest part. I already had in mind the teacher that I would interview, it was just a matter of how I was going to fit it in my schedule. Another thing is that I was really worried and nervous to talk to […]

Reflection on Photo Journalism project

So this was different. Not my style and not my favorite but here is what I observed in the process. First of all, I love and appreciate Mrs. Farris and appreciate her giving up her time and being willing to participate. Second of all, when your typical subjects are trees and giant chunks of marble […]

A Teacher I Respect

5. This is my favorite foto of Hydash because it show that he is doing his job and is in his own space. 6. What I would do differently next time would be to make time and not be shy to take out my camera to take pictures but I think this project was one […]

Johansson Documentary Reflection

When beginning this project I didn’t have any teacher in specific.

A reflection of respect

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Abigail Acevedo Humanizing Project Reflection

The Process It’s important to have a plan for these kinds of projects, as I kind of just went into it head on. I did have an idea of what I wanted my photos and page spread to look like, but I definitely could’ve gathered a more organized approach. In the end I felt as […]