The beginning of this project was slightly intimidating because I had to pick an adult to follow around and document. But when I came up with the idea of doing Mr. Miller, I was really interested in capturing him in his element. The great thing about having Mr. Miller as my photography teacher is that I had a lot of preexisting photos of him taking pictures which was super helpful but I first started with planning my shot list and interview questions. I then interviewed him and got a 22-minute long interview which was awesome because I had a lot to work with. I then put my camera together to take a few more photos that I would need for my project. I was happy with the pictures I gathered and how different they were. Some were taken inside, and some were taken outside there were also some that were monochrome which was nice because it was different than all the rest providing lots of variety. I wish I could’ve been able to get out to a girl’s soccer game because Mr. Miller told me he loves to take pictures of soccer. So it would have been nice to capture him doing something he is passionate about. One of the biggest things I struggled with was designing the two-page spread. I’m not very good at designing something from scratch without a template. I have always struggled with creativity and making something visually appealing using just my brain. So designing the page was definitely hard for me. I was able to solve this issue by asking a few classmates for ideas as well as looking at a few examples that were on the Google Drive from other students in class. Something I learned is AI or chat GPT can be helpful tools when used correctly. Reading through a seven-page, 22-minute interview wasn’t the most exciting task, but putting it into chat GPT was super helpful in pulling out quotes I needed. It’s important to know that AI is a great tool but it shouldn’t be used to cheat or do work for you. I used it to manage my time efficiently, not to do work for me. If I were to do this project again I would take time outside of school to catch Mr. Miller doing outside-of-school things such as taking pictures of soccer as well as other activities he might do.

This Image captures Mr. Miller being himself as he takes a picture for a project in photography class. It shows him not caring what others think and doing whatever it takes to get the best shot.

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