The World Trough Your Eyes

Objective: Photograph an image of a reflection photo through someones eye in your group to see the world from a different perspective.

Assignment Details: Capture a photo through the eyes of somebody else showing a different perspective of the world or how we see things

Exploration: Go out and explore and find something that you think is unique or has an emotional theme to it whether its a building, a bridge, or even a wedding. You have the freedom to decide the environment and how you choose to take the photo.

Photography: Try to make the photo follow the emotional goal you are aiming for. For example if your photo has an emotional theme of bringing joy or happiness make your photo vibrant and colorful while if it was an emotional theme of sad comings make it look depressing or dark and not as colorful and vibrant. You have the choice to try any technique or angle it is you want to make this photos apparent and visible.

Editing and Composition: For post processing the photo you can enhance the color or crop the photo however much if needed to make your photo as visually pleasing as possible. For composition use the knowledge from what you previously learned to make your photo visually pleasing.

Submission: You will have one week to submit the photo as well as a description in WordPress explaining why you took the photo and how it made you feel, submitting the photo with the name twtye.fullname_year.

Tools Needed: For the tools needed you must used the cameras assigned in class and whatever editing software you are comfortable with (Photoshop, Adobe Express, Lightroom, etc.) which will be used to edit your photos.

Additional Notes:

Safety: Ask the person you are using for consent before putting the camera up to their eye to take the photo because these photos require you to get inside of others personal bubbles.

Mindfulness: If you are wandering the campus do not disturb other classes to ask to borrow someone for your photos you can always ask an admin if they are willing to help. Be mindful of your surroundings and people and do not be disruptive or disrespectful.

Final Notes:

This is supposed to be a fun project so don stress too much about it. Just go out and have fun and enjoy the moment.

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