This picture was taken for a small project called the stretch project. Jay wanted to take a picture of when the bowl was getting set up for Cowhide.
PROJECT: Composition
This photo was taken when we first got our cameras. Jayden was messing around and snapped a shot of his classmate Adrian. Jayden got a really good close-up photo.
This photo was taken for the first official group project for the photography class.
This photo was taken for a small class project. This photo is representing portraits where the subject is clear and the background is blurry.
This picture is for the Me to Me project. Jay had the idea to sit with himself. While editing this photo the program crashed his computer more than two times!
This photo was taken for a natural light portrait project. This photo was actually taken on accident.
Picture by Adrian Flores
Jay Wyatt Is a student here at redwood. He loves to take photos, Goof around, and make other people laugh. His Main Goal in this class is to learn how to take good photos, have fun, and show off his creativity!