So this was different. Not my style and not my favorite but here is what I observed in the process. First of all, I love and appreciate Mrs. Farris and apreciate her giving up her time and being willing to participate. Second of all, when your typical subjects are trees and giant chunks of marble and dirt, having to work around another person’s schedule is not a usual challenge. Mountains and trees don’t get sick and they also don’t have staff meetings. Adapting was a good chunk of this project, adapting to fluorescent lighting and being ready to change plans. Everyone is busy especially teachers so a couple of times during the piece I had to change my plans. It was no big deal it was just an added challenge. I found it intriguing to hear about her hobbies. For instance, I would never have thought of her and gardening in the same sentence. A lot of the time we separate teachers from any personal life just like we do separating our own home and school life. It also showed a lot of how dreams differ from what happens but how that is not a bad thing. Mrs. Farris may have dreamed of working in the WNBA but now she’s a high school teacher and I believe she loves her job. This project in the end was fo rsure more about learning of someone else not just our cameras.

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