With this project I was doing for Mrs. Duerre a lot of problem accured and a lot of things went right. such as I felt very confident with who I picked because ive known guerre since my freshman year when I took her class. I want people at redwood to see how great of a teacher she is. I planned to go see her during my photography class when she also has class. I took shots of her everywhere in her class. I love the pictures that I took because it shows how much she loves teaching her students and how she has a great heart for what she does. there’s a lot of beautiful pictures I took. I feel like I could have told her how to pose and do a lot more pictures. trying too get a perfect date that would work for both me and her that wouldn’t get in the way of her teaching time. I also brought the wrong lens the first time I went to go take pictures of her. but I also just had to come back another day. I learned how truly hard it is to be a teacher ebacsue there are so many things that you gotta do right and when someone is off task it takes away from the whole class. its important because people see how hard it can get for teachers because people think its easy. my favorite photo is her in the front of her class smiling and laughing with her students it was a very wholesome moment within her class. this photo stands out to me because it shows the true love she has for American sign language. if I had to spend more time doing this I would take more time on my interview and asked more questions about her teaching style. Thank you for taking time out of your day and reading my blog.

Kenzie cantu

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