Do photographers see the world differently? 

The answer is most certainly yes. I’ve seen this in my own life as a photographer. I see the world in shots. Things such as these angles look nice, the coloring is beautiful now, the natural frame is fun. Its something that’s always on my mind, my eyes are a camera. It is amazing and makes the world essentially an art work for me in discover, but it also is a curse. That part of my brain will never shut off. Sometimes I want to see the world and enjoy its beauty without trying to find a way to capture it for later. I also feel as a photographer I see beautiful landscapes and focus too much on trying to save in for the future instead of enjoying it in the present. Though this does not make me regret having the eyes of a photographer. As a photographer I can discover beauty that most people will never see. They do not have the willingness to put down their phone and see the beautiful world they live in. The world is beautiful and photographers have the gift of discovering its art everyday. So yes I do believe photographers see the world differently.

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