For my motion blur photos I saw that the color guard people were out. So me and my group went in front of them and took photos. I was going in front of the people that were waving the flags. Making sure to blur them I used a low shutter speed. I don’t remember what I used exactly but somewhere around 1/15th speed. I ended up getting multiple motion blur photos but the two I picked I think they were the best ones. The third photo me and my group asked a student to toss her fake toy gun. I used the same shutter speed I think and ended up getting the fake gun blurred because it was spinning.

The next section I took were time stop photos. I was walking around and found a sprinkler on. So I got close to the sprinkler to try and stop the water in time. I Took many photos and found two good ones. The girl was the same girl for the motion blur photos and I ended up getting the fake gun perfectly stopped in time.

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