I had a pretty hard experience with the shutter speed project. The easiest part was getting a picture that freezes time because of the fact that all I had to do was turn my camera to a high shutter speed in broad daylight. It was easy to capture the color guard kids waving their flags. I struggled with getting a picture that showed good panning. Finding subjects that were moving that I could follow was pretty hard. I definitely spent the most time on panning and still only got one picture that was decent. I think the motion blur was an alright subject to get a picture if because I just took far away picture of P.E kids running on the track. I find it interesting how the longer the hole is open the more light is let in and that I could control that by just moving a dial. I had a scratch my head moment when I was struggling to get the exposure right in my pictures. My blur was good but it was too bright and so I had to adjust but sometimes I would go too far so I did have trouble for a bit just figuring out exposure as well as getting the blur.

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