A few pictures shot after the annual grape picking saturday at the Vinyard. Click photos to scroll full images - For a bit of background the vniyard is owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Each year Members go surve to help produce tons and tons of raisins which are distributed with other recources to those in need.
The Church vinyard is scheduled to go through some drastic changes in the coming year. This last wednesday may be the last the youth have to go pick and roll grapes. Although pruning and some picking will still remain as a service opprotunity I expect it will not be the same. This was a good oprotunity to practice angles and find my style. Especially Shooting in the bright mid-day sun. Different scenery and lighting require their own unique settings. Other than the technical side though, I was grateful to have my camera that day. It allowed me to capture a bit of the original vinyard before the transition. Change brings opprotunities for new experiences and memories. Maybe in the future I can capture the new vinyard. But in the meantime, theres no harm in capturing the old to remember. After all, someday we'll be the ones telling the kids about "back in our day".

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