- Apply concepts of composition, lighting, and focus in capturing specific themes.
- Demonstrate creative and abstract thinking in selecting and presenting images.
- Use photo-editing tools to enhance the visual elements in their photographs.
Assignment Description:
In this assignment, you have the option to explore one of two fascinating themes: Liminal Spaces or Rainbow Spectrum (ROYGBIV). Your task is to use your understanding of photography to capture images that not only fulfill the thematic requirements but also express creativity, depth, and abstraction.
Option 1: Liminal Spaces
What’s a liminal space? Liminal spaces are those “in-between” spots you pass through but don’t really spend time in, like hallways or waiting rooms. But what makes them super interesting for photography is when these places, which are usually filled with people, are suddenly empty. Imagine a school hallway without students or a playground with no kids; it’s like capturing a secret moment when a place designed for people has none. These spaces can feel a bit mysterious or even eerie because they’re empty when they’re not supposed to be. When you photograph them, you’re not just taking a picture; you’re making people think about why these spaces are empty and what that says about the world around us. It’s a cool way to challenge yourself and anyone who sees your photos to look at everyday places in a whole new light.
- Visit at least 3 different liminal spaces.
- Create a gallery consisting of approximately 5 images per space.
- A liminal space is an area that sits at a boundary or threshold, often providing a sense of dislocation or transition.
- Examples could include empty hallways, stairwells, deserted parks at dusk, etc.
- Try to bring out the essence of these spaces using your skills in composition, lighting, and editing.
Option 2: Rainbow Spectrum (ROYGBIV)
For the Rainbow Spectrum project, you’re on a quest to capture all the colors of the rainbow in separate photos—Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. But here’s the twist: instead of just snapping a pic of something red or something blue, think about how you can show that color in a creative or unexpected way. Maybe you’ll find red in the glow of a sunset or blue in the shadows of an autumn scene. You could even get abstract and capture the color in a puddle’s reflection or a spray of graffiti. The goal is to make people see these colors as more than just colors. You’re challenging your viewers to feel something, whether it’s the warmth of a red apple or the calm of a blue sky. It’s like going on a color treasure hunt where each photo tells its own unique story.
- Capture 7 individual photographs, each illustrating one of the seven colors of the rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.
- Each photograph should dominantly feature one of the seven colors.
- Abstract representations of the colors are highly encouraged.
- All photos must be submitted in a robogallery linked on your portfolio.
- You will be sharing these pictures on cookie day
Due Date:
- The assignment is due by Wednesday 10/11/23.
You will be assessed based on the quality of the images, your adherence to the theme, creativity, and your written reflection.