Redwood Photography: Panning Technique Worksheet Assignment #2 Spring 2024

Section 1: Review of Panning Technique

  1. Objective: To reinforce and apply the panning technique in photography, emphasizing capturing motion with clarity and artistic value.
  2. Refresher Reading:
  3. Key Points to Remember:
    • Shutter Speed: Essential for capturing motion. Start experimenting around 1/60s.
    • Focus: Use autofocus (AF-C) for moving subjects and try manual focusing for precision.
    • Camera Handling: Practice both handheld and with a tripod to understand different outcomes.

Section 2: Planning Your Panning Assignment

  1. Choose Your Subjects: Identify two different moving subjects you want to capture. Consider their speed, direction, and the story you want to tell.
  2. Location and Background: Decide on the locations and backgrounds that will best convey motion and complement your subjects.
  3. Technical Setup: Plan your camera settings. What shutter speeds might you start with? Will you use manual or autofocus?
  4. Safety Reminder: Ensure you are in a safe location, especially when near roads or moving objects.
  5. Execution Plan:
    • Date and Time: When do you plan to execute this shoot?
    • Equipment Checklist: Camera, lens, extra batteries, etc.
    • Backup Plan: In case of weather issues or other unforeseen circumstances.

Section 3: How to Submit Your Work

  1. Submission Requirements: Capture two panning photographs, each of a different subject.
  2. File Naming Convention: Upload your photographs to the media gallery on with the following filename format: panningperformance.[YourPhotographerName].2024. For example, panningperformance.johndoe.2024.
  3. Deadline: Submit your photographs by Monday, January 22nd, 2024.

Final Note: This assignment aims to deepen your understanding of the panning technique and enhance your ability to capture dynamic, moving subjects. Be creative and experiment. Happy shooting!

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