Author: Donya Akhavon

Do photographers see the world differently? – Donya Akhavon

I think every individual perceives the world differently, as we are all inherently different. Photographers see the world as differently as the next person does. I think photographers may have an eye for what makes a photograph look objectively good however. They see the symmetry and depth in things that another person would pass as […]

Garry Winogrand Critique

Donya Akhavon Garry Winogrand’s Quote – “You know, I really don’t think you learn from teachers. You learn from work. I think what you learn, really, is how to be – you have to be your own toughest critic, and you only learn that from work, from seeing work.” Winogrand’s beliefs lie in the idea […]

Advertisement Project Reflection

Donya Akhavon This project wasn’t very difficult, but making the canva/advertisement proved to be quite the process. Creating an advertisement that both explained the product while being aesthetically pleasing was tricky, but luckily the application we used (canva), helped everything go smoothly. Our product was a pop socket so it was easy to advertise it […]

Look Up Project / Donya A.

Why🦶are Important in Photography

Donya Akhavon Feet enable the photographer to take photos from a multitude of angles. Photographers move around their subject in order to take photos from different perspectives—which bleed into categories of tone, meaning, implication, composition, and style to synthesize the artist’s perspective. The artist’s perspective can then be interpreted differently person to person. If feet […]

Critique (Donya)

Photographer: David Guttenfelder Donya Akhavon This photo reminds me of the 80s workout outfits and Maoist China. This photo is fascinating to look at because it is both symmetrical and unnsnmetrical at this same time. The women and men are split into perfectly straight lines but are all at different stages of their flips—bringing forth […]

Critique (Donya)

Photographer: Gabby Micu Donya Akhavon I really like this photo. The contrast of the rich green forest with the industrial metropolitan behind it is stark and eye catching. The cloudy grey skies above are very visible, with some clouds even enwrapping the highest buildings above—including Taipei 101, which stands at almost 2000 feet. The photo […]

My Inspiration / DA

My inspiration involves…