Author: Darius Coley


You don’t truly learn from teachers because they are more about guiding you. It is mainly up to you when you learn. You learn from your mistakes and you do that by criticizing yourself and your work. When you criticize yourself you shape yourself into becoming a better image that you want to be.

What I Learned from Designing a Page

The hardest part of this project was the learning curve with photoshop. Before this I’ve only used photoshop for color correcting and image based stuff. With this project though I had to work with trying to get a background that fit with the foreground. Then there was the text which was surprisingly hard for me, […]

Valuable Feet

Why are feet so valuable to a photographer? Well to answer that simply they’re valuable because they can give you a better angle. Feet are especially valuable if you’re using a prime/fixed lens because you can’t zoom in or out. Then you have to basically use your feet to get closer or further from your […]

Ideas About Themes

With photography there is just about unlimited themes a photographer can go by. There’s a camera and a lens for pretty much any situation for photographers. Just like how there’s a different idea for any theme that a photographer is given. Having a theme can either help a photographer or prove to be difficult. For […]

Natural light Portrait

I don’t know the name of the photographer that took this photo, but they sure did do a good job. With the leading lines on the window and the subject being off-center it makes this photo all that more impactful. With the light only shining on half of the person’s body it makes it seem […]

My Inspiration

When it comes to anything that people are willing to work hard for they need inspiration. With art such as; music, painting, photography, etc. their inspiration can be seen in their work sometimes. My inspiration for my creativity comes from my humor, past life changing events, food, my family, my friends, video games, music, social […]