Author: Isla Esquivel

Final Assignment- Isla Esquivel

Time stamp Objective: The objective of this project is to take pictures of the same sceneries but at different times. Assignment Details: Take a picture of your choice of scenery during different times of the day. Exploration: For example, when taking a picture of a sun set, start before the sun set starts and take […]


When doing this assignment, I learned how to get the right aperture for the right picture. When doing the flower one I had an aperture at f 3.3 and I was up close to the flower too. The sports photo I had the sports Camera lens, and that aperture was at f 2.8 and I […]

Shutter Priority Reflection: Isla Esquivel

What was cool about learning how to do shutter speed was that once you get it on the right setting you get pretty good pictures. What made me scratch my head with this assignment was the blur photos because I was trying to get it, but it would come out to blurry that it wasn’t […]