Author: Isabella Garza

Album Cover/My Critique

I think I did well on the album that I did because after listening to the song I got the vibe of a rainy day but also of something nature. I also looked at the artists past albums and saw that all of his albums were random things and nothing ever really specific so I […]

The Alphabet

I think all photographers do see the world differently because everyone has their own mind and their own way that they like to capture the moment. Some photographers like to capture nature, while others like to capture social events, cars, portraits, animals and even food. I believe when people think of photography they think of […]

Dollar store advert

From designing a page I learned how to become a better editor and I got to explore photo shop more and see all the different things that they have to offer and that we could do to a picture. This project became challenging when it came to coming up with the concept and how we […]


Although teachers do a good job trying their best to teach what they can, you don’t truly learn until attempting it yourself. You can always follow someone and what they do but not really understand what you are doing but when you go off on your own and you put the skills that you learned […]

Movement Critique

Feet are a valuable tool for photography because you have to constantly move in order to get the shots that you are looking for and the type of photo you want to achieve. Moving around helped me with this project because I had to move up close to the objects that I was taking pictures […]

Ideas about themes

Having a theme helped me with this project because it gave me an exact idea as to what I was looking for. It give me something specific to focus on and so I was able to stick to the theme and take pictures based off of what the theme was. The theme also made the […]

My inspiration-bella

-Social Media -Brother -Friends -Nature -Curiosity -Movie and TV shows -The Challenge -New things -Different perspectives -Paintings -Music -New oportunities -Drawings The different types of colors -Peoples mood
