Author: Lindsay Irvin

final assignment-lindsay irvin

“Passage of Time” Objective: Capture the essence and feeling of time that seems to pass more quickly as we age. Assignment Details: Setup: Choose a serene, natural setting such as a quiet park, a forest, or a beach at sunset. Use three individuals representing different stages of life, childhood, adulthood, and old age. Use items […]

shutter reflection- lindsay irvin

My own experience with figuring out shutter speed settings was interesting to say the least. Some of my first struggles I noticed were with certain situations like when a figure was moving, the question came up whether to change my iso, or let more light into the picture. And to get the certain lighting and […]

aperture reflection- lindsay irvin

My own experience with first trying out with aperture settings did take awhile for me to get used to. With figuring out aperture and the whole concept behind it involving the use of blurring the background and capturing the main subject to be clear and in focus. A success that i had came into is […]