Lindsay Irvin – Redwood Photography Pictures from the Redwood Photography group Wed, 29 May 2024 01:36:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lindsay Irvin – Redwood Photography 32 32 final assignment-lindsay irvin Wed, 29 May 2024 01:36:28 +0000 “Passage of Time”

Objective: Capture the essence and feeling of time that seems to pass more quickly as we age.

Assignment Details:

Setup: Choose a serene, natural setting such as a quiet park, a forest, or a beach at sunset. Use three individuals representing different stages of life, childhood, adulthood, and old age. Use items that symbolize the passage of time, such as an hourglass, a clock, or a stack of old photographs.


Students should be able to capture the little moments in life. With children and the playful activity, perhaps running or chasing butterflies, symbolizing the carefree nature of youth. Adults, walking slowly, perhaps glancing back towards the child or forward towards the elderly person, representing the reflective and transitional phase of adulthood. Elderly person, sitting on a bench or standing with a cane, looking contemplatively at the path they’ve traveled, symbolizing wisdom and reflection. There should be at least 3 pictures minimum.

Editing and Composition:

After students take photos students shall use provided editing software to help bring out the life of the photos. Such as applying a warm, slightly faded filter to evoke a sense of nostalgia .Increasing contrast slightly to emphasize the details and textures of the subjects and props, and creating a more intimate feel.


When this project is complete, you can upload it to Redwood Photography with the file name of: firstname.lastname.passageoftime.24 Students will have a week to complete and upload this assignment, and will be displayed on the projector at the end of the week to be presented and talked about to the class and the process.

Tools required:


-Editing software (Adobe, Photoshop, Lightroom, etc)

Final Touch:

Throughout this assignment be make sure to provide context and deepen the viewers’ emotional connection to the images. This photograph assignment aims to visually represent the concept of the passage of time, creating a powerful and emotive piece that resonates with viewers on a personal level.

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shutter reflection- lindsay irvin Mon, 18 Sep 2023 19:40:51 +0000 My own experience with figuring out shutter speed settings was interesting to say the least. Some of my first struggles I noticed were with certain situations like when a figure was moving, the question came up whether to change my iso, or let more light into the picture. And to get the certain lighting and effect that I needed was a challenge. I had experimented with different areas around campus to find the good settings. When I had finally found the right settings with the right subject it had been a relief for the most part to achieve that certain look.

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aperture reflection- lindsay irvin Mon, 18 Sep 2023 19:39:13 +0000 My own experience with first trying out with aperture settings did take awhile for me to get used to. With figuring out aperture and the whole concept behind it involving the use of blurring the background and capturing the main subject to be clear and in focus. A success that i had came into is with the concept of bouquet, I had found my way over by the creek on campus. With the sun capturing the light bouncing off of the water it had created that bulb effect of the lights on the water. With the blur of that it created an effect on the idea of bouquet.

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