Author: Leo Marquez


Photographers do see the world differently. As they see the world from a creative perspective, seeing things that the rest of society probably doesn´t see. For example, taking pictures of something like a cloud, can be thought of a certain thing like an animal or object, with the focus and detail giving more proportion and […]


I agree with learning not from teachers, more from experience. Experience is what allows us to get better, such as failures that get us back up. Errors give us lessons in taking pictures, as we learn not to make mistakes and do that kind kind of settings or adjustments again. As I learned that these […]

Up project Critique

Feet are really valuable when it comes to taking photos as it is a great base and the positions that allow photos to be taken in perspective. Feet allow the body to squat or lunge to the sides or look forward and back, once again, giving more perspectives. There were times where limits were put, […]