Author: nmiller

Super Teachers!

A reflection of respect

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Nick Miller Reflection

Technical Reection:What specic photography techniques (like focus, composition, or lighting) did you improve onthe most this semester? Can you give examples of photos where you used these techniquessuccessfully?Personal Refection:How has your perspective on photography changed since the beginning of this course? Whathave you learned about yourself through the projects you’ve completed?Creative Refection:Which project or photo […]

Sample Part 3 reflection post for the final

My Photography Journey: From Snapshots to Stories Starting Out: More Than Just Clicking a Button When I first joined photography class, I thought it would just be about pointing a camera and clicking a button. I had no idea how much there was to learn—about light, angles, focus, and even the stories a single photo […]

Fall Photo Show 2024

Final Assignment-Brice Kingsbury

Conflicting/Contrasting Colors Objective: Demonstrate how vibrancy and monochromatic imagery can change the tone of an image. Assignment Details: Choose a subject to photograph and find ways to depict its vibrancy. Then, through editing or your monochrome setting, depict the same subject in black and white to demonstrate a shift in tone. Show how lack of […]

Final Assignment Template. Sebastian M.

[Nostalgia] Objective: Capture or create three things that bring or give a feeling of nostalgia to you or others. [Project Objective] Assignment Details: Take or create pictures that feel nostalgic to you. Exploration: Can be taken anywhere or places you feel most comfortable with, at any time of day. [Provide detailed exploration instructions tailored to […]

Final Assignment – Sergio Lopez

A Story Through Pictures Objective: To photograph an image with an outside theme or message, in which the photo can symbolize and represent a theme visually. The chosen theme or message should be relative to you and have passion, making it easier to visualize. Assignment Details: Capture one photo that visualizes one chosen theme or […]

Final Assignment Piper Figallo

Capturing the Essence of Your Favorite Movie or Book Objective: Take photos that capture the mood, atmosphere, and essence of your favorite movie or book. Create images that evoke emotions within the viewer of these photos. Assignment Details: Exploration: Students are encouraged to explore locations that resonate with the setting of their chosen movie or […]

Final Assignment. Sean Holland

The World Trough Your Eyes Objective: Photograph an image of a reflection photo through someones eye in your group to see the world from a different perspective. Assignment Details: Capture a photo through the eyes of somebody else showing a different perspective of the world or how we see things Exploration: Go out and explore […]